Monday, October 8, 2012

[1] #76: Tea and Crumpets

Crumpet |ˈkrəmpət| noun: a thick, flat, savory cake with a soft, porous texture, made from a yeast mixture cooked on a griddle and eaten toasted and buttered.

I didn't know what to expect, but that didn't keep me from having my expectations. I guess my grandparents could have put just about anything in front of me and said it was a crumpet and I would have believed them... but I was expecting a scone, I think; something like a tea buscuit, or maybe a tough cookie. A crumpet is none of those things though. It is more like an English muffin, except that only the bottom is smooth, like a pancake that never gets flipped over to the other side. Like a pancake, sunny-side-up.

My Grandpa bought a pack of crumpets from the grocery store late last week, to help with my list. Grandma is absolutely certain I won't get them all done (though I've been reminded a few times this weekend that the leaves in the yard are aaalllll mine), and I think Grandpa is set on proving her wrong. It's been a fun first week in their home. 

We had crumpets and tea for breakfast, two mornings in a row (and apparently I sip every hot beverage by the tenth-on-an-inch, as I haven't been poured a full mug for a few days now). They are floppy and sponge-like in their pre-toast state, but once toasted, buttered and jammed (or marmaladed, in honour of Paddington Bear) they are really quite good. I don't know that I would build a crumpet into my regular grocery routine, but I think it was a successful experience on the whole. Grandma says it shouldn't count because it was too easy... just can't seem to satisfy her with this little project of mine! 

We'll give her some time though... maybe she'll come around. 

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